About Us

"Everything Sunflowers!" There is a story, of course, behind the name and the creation of our store. Years ago as we traveled across the country to drop our son off to college, we were driving at night and we could not determine what was on either side of the road. We stopped for the night, and woke up the next morning only to hear Jeannie exclaim - "Everything is Sunflowers! Come look out the window!" Still groggy, I stumbled to the window and looked out to the jaw dropping scene of a sunflower field with mammoth sunflowers in full bloom as far as I could see all facing towards the rising sun!  A few years later, with Jeannie's bout with a tick borne disease, God brought remembrance of the joy and smile that the sunflowers brought in places we visited. She decided to grow her own sunflowers in our little backyard during her struggles to give us that little joy and the smiles as the sunflowers grew and blossomed. God has since healed Jeannie of Lyme. The creation of "Everything Sunflowers," is our desire to help and  give someone a smile, a hug, a little encouragement and share a tear along the way. Jeannie creates the designs, and I, well...continue to be God inspired and write about the journey while having my coffee.